Easing back into the art groove with some fun sketches with my new gadget!! Ha! I am totally in love. It is a "remarkable" paper feel digital sketchbook and notebook. Love, love, love.
Its taking me a while to get the feel for handwriting again, but its a joy for organising all the things in your mind. And the sketching is just super fun. Game changer. No more sharpeners and rubbers and lost pencils. Easy to edit and add cool effects, but not overwhelming choices like some digital drawing programs.

My highlight:
This little sketch of my favourite girl and partner in crime. Only regret was sketching her while she was watching tv! Hence the zombie expression and I fear only a vague likeness. My sassy muse, certainly has better looks, which are probably much easier to draw 🙄
So why is this little device so awesome for sketching?
- Paper feel (no, it's better than paper) and cool unexpected effects.
- Limited tools - I used paintbrush and highlighter mostly for these drawings. Less is more.
- Portable and simple to use (I will be taking it on my lengthy trips to the skatepark!!).
- You can easily edit and undo and change your mind.
- Digital but no distracting pop ups or web browsing/emails
- Super fun.
Take Care, Sam x