5 awesome reasons your home should be a sentimental reflection of you

5 awesome reasons your home should be a sentimental reflection of you


How important is decorating your home with personal flair and sentimental touches?

Do you believe your home is a reflection of you?

What colours, textures, and compositions make your heart sing and bring you effortless joy?

There are some simple and awesome benefits to designing the space in your home with heart felt individual style. The choices you make to decorate your home should reflect your personal experiences, aesthetic and sensory pleasures and ultimately, your unique personality.

Here are 5 reasons why:

1. You will feel uplifted by your surroundings

You are ahead of the game if you surround yourself with things that speak to your heart and make you feel something! Each day you get to hang out with your favourite things. As you use unique kitchenware or admire a favourite artwork, or even wrap yourself up in a favourite throw. I dare you not to smile.

2. Your memories will be all around you

As you collect special trinkets and treasures on your adventures, you will have a collection of souvenirs from places you visited, gifts from special people or unexpected new finds that remind you of an older memory. Photographs displayed in handmade or vintage frames at a lovely aesthetic to visual memories.

3. You will create an opportunity to connect more deeply with yourself

As you select furnishings and decor for your home, you must tune into how different colours, textures, and aesthetics make you feel. You will naturally be drawn to some themes, colour palettes, and designs more than others. This is normal and important. Be brave and bold in your choices, tune in deeply and choose your own joy every time.

4. You will feel more gratitude and care for your home 

As you interact with the furniture and decor, you have personally and lovingly selected with thought and heart felt intention. You will feel gratitude for simple daily routines and rituals. You will take more care not to break or damage precious items. Things will taste better, feel better, and belong together. You will naturally want to love and care for your home with greater capacity.

5. You will be doing the environment a favour 

Because you are decorating your home with more personal integrity, you will take more time and care to select items for your home. You will select homewares and decor with more intention. This will see you investing in longevity, timeless design, and durable, well-made pieces that will last and won't need to be replaced in a couple of years.


So do you believe your home is a reflection of you? How much care do you take to add your personality to your home? Please let me know in the comments below or email me at hello@samhortonstudio.com. I would love to hear from you.

Take care, Sam x

Sam Horton is a professional artist, specialising in creating vibrant, original acrylic art. featuring feminine beauty, florals and nature.
Sam's art studio and studio shop are based in Australia on the Sunshine Coast.
Receive weekly updates and insights, direct from Sam, on connecting heart and home through art, styling and creativity via her art & studio email newsletter
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