IMG_5830 - Sam Horton Studio

My story

I help women discover and connect with their inner power and beauty, through art, so that they can live their best joy filled lives.

My own series of life disappointments & the creative journey that led me out of the dark, is what inspires me to help other women evolve into the most beautiful, authentic, best versions of themselves.

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A little about me...

Hi! My name's Sam Horton. I'm a practicing artist passionate about the links between creativity and well-being. I'm actively building a space to offer holistic art mentoring services to support other women in their own creative well being journey's (my big Aha!). Last but not least I'm a proud mum to my tenacious tween girl Daisy and our bouncy puppy Beau.

Through all stages of my life I've had a creative whisper in the background that just wouldn't go away, even though I tried hard to ignore it and resisted the creative journey for decades.

Life threw me a few curve balls and I got stuck in some toxic patterns. Haven't we all? I can honestly say, creativity and art making saved me, opened me up and led me out of the dark.

This was my life:

  • Trapped in a successful business career & toxic marriage I knew deep down weren't really for me. Even though everything looked peachy on the surface.

  • Constantly hitting painful unexpected roadblocks in the white picket fence life I thought I wanted.

  • Living life and kicking goals but never truly feeling satisfied and content. And then shaming myself for being ungrateful and wanting more.

  • Unable to tune into or trust my inner knowing and lacking the courage to stand in my truth to make the big decisions I desperately needed to make.

  • Disconnected from my creativity with limited beliefs about my artistic ability and what was possible.

  • I struggled to give myself permission to explore creatively, even though I had a creative urge that whispered to me for decades, like a nagging nemesis.

  • And worse, I numbed all of this out with food, alcohol, online shopping and procrastination.

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Then in 2017 I found a pause and turned to art:

Through the act of play, exploration and with no fixed expectation of the outcome, I experimented my little creative heart out. I made things, I drew things, I painted, collaged and even sewed. At first my art was terrible, but it got better the more I tuned into what felt good in the creative process. It all has its place in my journey.

Every project inspires the next one. My curiosity and hunger for self exploration and growth the fuel to keep going. As I move through each creative phase, I feel stronger, more confident, better equipped to make hard decisions, to actively choose my future. I feel deeply connected to myself and the world around me in ways I had never felt before I embarked on this creative mission. I have tapped into parts of myself I never knew where there and found courage in some of my life's darkest moments.

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How I can help you!

I support creatively curious women to:

  • better process and support their emotions,
  • connect more deeply with themselves,
  • gain inner strength, peace and wisdom,
  • improve relationships, and
  • regain their zest & passion for life,

through the process of art-making and creative practices. Using my signature framework SOUL-LED CREATIVE WELLNESS that embodies the mind-body connection and promotes self-led creative discovery and expression to enhance well-being. Regardless of where they are on their creative journey.


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Are you naturally drawn to vibrant colours and florals?

I am. This is how I feel on the inside when I'm at my best.

This is at the centre of the art I create.

My art

I love to explore the vibrancy and energy in the world around me. The essence of my work focuses on feminine energy in promotion of self love.

My work has pushed me to try many things. At the moment my creative energy sees me creating pretty make believe scenes, which almost always include flowers and feminine beauty.

I would love for you to take a peek inside my studio, I love to share what I'm working on..