Is making your house a home important to you? Do you get comfort in surrounding yourself with pretty, colourful things that warm your heart? Do you enjoy your space and does it lift you up?
I say yes, yes yes!! I do. Here are 5 reasons why I believe there is value in spending time and energy and spending money on pretty things to turn your house into a home.
1. You will enjoy being at home and coming home - I love being at home, it is a sanctuary of my favourite things, set up for the way we live. I am constantly changing and tweaking our space to make it more liveable, functional, inspiring and pretty!
2. You will feel comforted and peaceful - like a warm hug, my home feels like a safety blanket hidden away from the world. Nurturing and soothing. We have a basket for storing handmade blankets to keep us cosy on the sofa. They add colour and life and handmade loveliness to our lives as well as warmth and comfort.
3. Your daily life will come with more ease - Set up your furniture and rooms for the way you live. You don't have to have lots of space, you just need to make great use of the space you have. I have a long living space which is split into two rooms using a 3 seater couch back to back with a stunning storage cupboard roughly the same height. It create 2 rooms out of one neatly and elegantly without interfering with line of sight.
4. You will have interesting things that spark conversation - collecting art or interesting ornaments will make you space interesting. These don't have ti be expensive, just choose art that makes you happy. Display souvenirs from holidays, selected based on your personal taste and style with a sentimental charm from a holiday full of memories!
5. Every piece of furniture will have a purpose specific to your life - whether is for storage or display, everything needs a home. If it doesn't bring you joy or comfort. It needs to go. Did you know, we have a lego cupboard, I purposefully bought a cupboard specifically to store lego. you wouldn't know it though it is the prettiest, cutest little cupboard, with all that itty bitty lego stored safely put of sight inside.
So you see, so many reasons to fill your home with special things and celebrate your personality and lifestyle.
Do you believe it is possible to improve your life by focusing on the turning the space in your house into a cosy, comfy, sentimental home?
Let me know by adding a comment below or emailing me at
Take care, Sam x