Another 7 pieces of beautiful, colourful, bohemian wall art, adding life and joy to my quirky home - Sam Horton Studio

Another 7 pieces of beautiful, colourful, bohemian wall art, adding life and joy to my quirky home


As promised earlier in the year, here is part 2, sharing some of my favourite wall art adorning my home. I'm a great lover of quirky art and prints. Unfortunately, my little house can only hold so much, but I had too many to show you last time. So here is another 7 pieces. You can catch the first article here.

Each piece makes me feel a certain way, and I have tried to elaborate on this below. Art is such a special purchase; each piece should make you feel something happy, inspired, remind you of a memory, in awe, surrounded by warmth, uplifted, calm, at peace etc.

These pieces all spoke to me and told me that they would keep me smiling and curious. So they came home with me and now hang on my walls. I sincerely believe you're happier if you surround yourself with beautiful, sentimental things.

I hope these pieces make you smile and offer a little sentimental inspiration.

1. Daisy Fairy from the flower fairies

My daughter's name is Daisy. I bought this vintage print on Etsy. It's a beautiful aged print providing me with a sentimental warm, and cosy feeling from the flower fairies of my childhood, even if my Daisy is none the wiser and could not care less about my childhood!

2. Reindeer Ikea canvas set

Yes, there is a place for one of a kind original paintings and personalised art, but I don't care that these are from Ikea. They still made my list because I love the moody abstract grey and subtle pops of pastel rainbow. And the clever balance between abstract and likeness. The essence of wild creatures in the forest, fragile yet belonging. I like to think of these as reindeer, as I believe the one on the left is female and the the one on the right male. I think reindeer are the only deer species where the females grow antlers? Anyway, someone very talented created these stunning paintings, and then they were clever enough to get them licensed by Ikea. For some artists, licensing is a dream come true. I hope the artist was compensated fairly, as these pretties must have been popular. 

3. Gorgeous red-headed mermaid by Orangeinka

I fell in love with this quirky acrylic painting mounted in an embroidery hoop and adorned with flowing red wool hair and trinkets inspired by the seaside. It makes me so happy like life is to be enjoyed and celebrated, when I see this glorious pregnant looking mermaid hanging in my daughter's bathroom. 

4 . Mermaid by Henry Clive

One of two Henry Clive prints hanging in my bathroom. How special is this ethereal mermaid foraging pearls? Everything from the colours to her floating hair to the varying sizes of those shimmering pearls. Simply stunning and leaves me speechless in awe of the talent of this artist and the imagination of human beings.

5. Seaside flirtation by Henry Clive
And the second Henry Clive from my bathroom. Doesn't this fun vintage gal make you want to let your hair down and enjoy the sunshine! She brings a light and joyous vibe to my boring bathroom.
6. Folknit by Oana Befort
One of my favourite illustrator artists, known for her intricate detailed stylised florals. This small piece reminds me that life is yours to weave and create. Your own masterpiece filled with colour and details and layers and many unexpected and often mis-matched things.

7.Jean Shrimpton watercolour by Soo Kim Art

This watercolour portrait of 60s model Jean Shrimpton is lush, luminous and delicate. With watercolour, less is often more, and it is what you do not paint that allows the watercolour to tell the story. I just love the delicate vibrancy of this portrait.


So there you have it, some more of my favourite wall art hanging at home. Each piece fills my space with its own colours and sentimental charm.


Do you have a favourite piece of art hanging in your home? Please share it with me by commenting below or emailing me at

Take care, Sam x


Sam Horton is a professional artist, specialising in creating vibrant, original acrylic art. featuring feminine beauty, florals and nature.
Sam's art studio and studio shop are based in Australia on the Sunshine Coast.
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