Endings and New Beginnings!!

Endings and New Beginnings!!


Wow, the last year or so has been one I'll never forget!! It saw me unexpectedly jumping into art full time. Literally, head first into the deep end! I've tried many new things: new art, ways of working, and ways of showing up.

I feel like I've been going through a metamorphosis! And I am so ready to emerge as a beautiful butterfly!! 🤣

Over the past few weeks, I've had some major AHA moments, and it is time for me to make some changes.

As 2023 comes to a close, here are the things I know for sure:

💗 Art is at the centre of my future

💗 My journey does not look like anyone elses

💗 I don't fit into any 'artist' box I've come across

💗 I must create from my heart and be careful not to create from a place of resonating or creating for others

💗 The process of art making is more important to me than the finished painting

💗 Deep exploration and play is vital to my art making process

💗 Time for intention setting and reflection are integral parts of my process

💗 Volume deadlines are a sure fire way to zap my creativity

💗 Making multiple paintings each week has me feeling like I'm working in an art factory, not an art studio

💗 My art making practice is a labour of joy and love, with many detours and delicious side paths, ensuring my best work takes time to evolve and come to life.

💗 I want to talk about and share my art as I'm making it. I don't want to store it all up and then share it all at once because the excitement has gone and passed for me, and I'm onto the next thing. A massive anti-climax.

💗 Connecting with art lovers like you, who connect with my art, is a life's journey and not one to rush. I trust that the right people will find me at the right time.

💗 The traditional path of working with galleries, art fairs, stockists and applying for competitions is not something that feels like the right fit for me at this time.

💗 External validation, praise and acceptance is not necessary for me to make my art.

💗 The opinion and agenda of others can derail the creative process and have you circling in self doubt if you are not grounded in your own self belief and power.

💗 Ĩ feel a strong urge and calling to share the benefits of creativity and art making on well being with as many women as possible. To help people make their own creative discoveries and create their own holistic art practices.

My next chapter will be a new and different art path, which sees me exploring and fully embodying the world of holistic art. I feel called to share the wonderful and healing benefits of creativity and art making on well being. I'll share some details with you soon on how you can connect with me in this new capacity.⁠

I will definitely still be making pretty paintings to share with you, but it will be alongside some new offers ⁠🥰⁠

In 2024, I'll be painting from my heart. Revisiting my journey, back when it felt like there was nothing riding on my art practice.

Exploring the themes, concepts and subjects that called to me from the very beginning.

And yes, that most likely means more feminine beauty, make believe and less real life.

I hope to incorporate all the things this past year or so has taught me. All the skills I have developed, the art I have made and what has felt good to lean into.

And most importantly, to let go of anything that is not serving me.

I look forward to sharing and connecting with you in 2024!!

Take care,
Sam x

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