Free Play Acrylic Flowers | Sketchbook Diary | Acrylic Painting Techniques & Process

Free Play Acrylic Flowers | Sketchbook Diary | Acrylic Painting Techniques & Process


Just play…⁠ ⁠ Let your natural curiosity dictate some of your creative moments. Set an intention of play and see what emerges.

Choosing colours, materials, and methods instinctively with no attachment to the outcome.

With the safety net and knowledge that there is always another page, another day and another moment.⁠ ⁠

We are still in the thick of illness over here, and just showing up and having a play is about as good as it’s going to get right now. Ms 12 has pneumonia!!

Anyway, working with the doc to get her back on track...⁠ ⁠ This week, I showed up to play. I’m a little bit hooked on textured backgrounds at the moment, so it’s only natural that I continue to have a play with my stencils.

I love the surprising randomness and natural emerging of shapes that become ideas!⁠ ⁠

This time I used acrylics already in my palette, their slightly thicker nature perfect for creating imperfect stencil imprints to get the creative juices flowing.⁠ ⁠

I added instinctive layers and tiny details, slowly building up the page until i was satisfied. Finishing with some careless splatters if paint.



What emerged was like a delicate field of flowers on a stormy day, thunderous clouds overhead with a green tinge in the sky enveloping all in its path..⁠ ⁠ This is literally how I feel right now, trapped in a thunderstorm of sickness, awaiting the sweet sunshine’s return…⁠ ⁠

Take care, Sam x

If you’d like to understand more about how holistic art practices can support your well-being. Check out my FREE guide: The Healing Power of Art: A Holistic, Creative Way to Approach Emotional Wellness 💗💗⁠ ⤵️


Paints: Matisse Flow Acrylics Surface: Moleskin Watercolour Sketchbook More original art & holistic art mentoring - Follow me on Instagram - ⁠


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