7 ways creativity helps you discover the hidden treasures in everyday life - Sam Horton Studio

7 ways creativity helps you discover the hidden treasures in everyday life


Hidden treasures in everyday life? Huh?

Well, truth be told, I'm a simple girl.. for an instant mini pick me up, I love a warm cup of coffee surrounded by nature in my courtyard or a long hot shower or buying myself fresh flowers. These things give me a reset. And that warm and fuzzy feeling.

Small, casual, spontaneous moments.
Things that are easy.
Things that fill me up.
 These are everyday treasures to me. But do you know what's even better than these little things? My favourite way for a more profound energy shift is to get creative and immerse myself in a painting.

How about you? What fills you up?

What if I told you that you could find more of these moments in your life? What if it was as simple as turning towards your creativity a little bit more and finding moments to explore and play?

What if?

No hidden agenda.

No attachment to the outcome.

Just saying yes to creative action.

 It doesn't matter whether it's painting, baking, writing, pottery, or something a little wackier like flame throwing or robotics. Following your creative curiosity is the key.

Have you ever had the desire to try something creative? And had it niggle away at you and then niggle again and then again? Like a pesky mosquito buzzing around when you are just trying to do life and chill out. Regardless of whether you think you have the skills or the time, if the desire is there, I say you should 100% act on it.

My own creative path has had me diving head-first into more than one creative pursuit. But with each new activity, my understanding and appreciation for how creativity adds more joy and calm to my life have grown.

 These days, I paint. But I've done it all and have the merch to prove it! Like the detailed patchwork quilts on our beds. All handmade by yours truly. Long labours of love (I think the king-sized one was actually a couple of years in the making !).
 To me, the meditative process of creating and the sense of awe & achievement as these projects evolved is worth the long wait and every single second of labour. Look... now you've got me gushing over sewing!

 At times I paint voraciously, like a greedy pac man character. Speeding, munching, darting and weaving to the next level, and at other times I'm like a lost tourist, wandering aimlessly and curiously stumbling across unexpected gems down strange and unfamiliar paths.

 Like a geeky addiction to complete the next level in a video game. I am hooked on making more and more art and seeing where my curiosity takes me. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Creativity is relaxing

Forget TV and video games or a glass of red wine. Ok, you got me. Sometimes, the wine comes with me and my paint brushes. But seriously, developing a daily creative habit is a much better way to wind down. Not only do you make something tangible in the process. Creativity can also act like a reset. Allowing you to tune out from the day and focus on something completely removed from the never-ending to-do list.

2. Creativity builds confidence

Sharing creativity builds confidence and gets you out of your comfort zone. The more you make, the better you get. And that equals more confidence.
 One of the ways I have grown as an artist is through the practice of sharing my creative content. And by that, I mean online… even a tiny Instagram following can leave you feeling exposed and really 'out there' when sharing your amateur and awkward early or experimental work. The more you post about your creative journey and share your work, the more you realise just making the stuff and showing up is awesome, and your confidence will naturally grow. I think it's ok to stay anonymous too. Creating and putting it 'out there' is the crucial part.

 3. Creativity encourages growth

Learning something creative encourages growth. Every time you pick up the paint brush or get a few words on the page. Each time you have a creative win or, for that matter, a creative fail. Every time, you learn something. And it can feel exhilarating to look at a finished project and think to yourself I made this, and IT's SO GOOD!, I'm not even sure how I did it.

4. Creativity promotes resilience

Seeing a creative project through until the end promotes resilience. An idea for a creative project often starts with one vision and rarely turns out exactly as you expect it to. Sometimes dramatically different to the initial picture you had in your head. From my painting practice, I know wholeheartedly that every painting goes through an ugly stage. However, trusting the process and seeing each project through is the key to discovering your style, technique and all the delicious surprises hidden in the process of seeing a project through to the end. Sometimes things work out even better than you could imagine.


5. Creativity is fun and energising

Playing is not just reserved for kids. Playing in your creative practice is essential. This is where the breakthroughs happen and how you align your true self with your own creative style.
One of the most pivotal moments in my art journey was playing with different mediums and themes. A great way to start exploring is to find daily art prompts and choose different mediums each week or month.

 6. Creativity helps you really see the world

Creativity helps you to really see things and appreciate the small details. When I paint, it makes me look at the subject matter so closely that I can see details, colours, contrasts, and textures that I hadn't noticed before I started painting. This is a cool way to be more present and explore appreciation of things and details around us we often take for granted.

7. Creativity is expansive

Creativity feeds creativity. Creativity grows the more you water it. It grows and grows and gets you excited about what's coming next. The more you create, the more you want to make. It is as simple as that. Little rabbit holes of creativity constantly opening up everywhere.

So what adventure will you choose? Are you playing the no-time card? Or the I'm not a creative card? Or are you coming on an adventure with me to discover your own hidden treasures through creativity?

How will you live your creative life?

Let me know by adding a comment below or emailing me at hello@samhortonstudio.com

Take care, Sam x

Sam Horton is a professional artist, specialising in creating vibrant, original acrylic art. featuring feminine beauty, florals and nature.
Sam's art studio and studio shop are based in Australia on the Sunshine Coast.
Receive weekly updates and insights, direct from Sam, on connecting heart and home through art, styling and creativity via her art & studio email newsletter


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