That pesky creative niggle is a good thing and it's not going away! - Sam Horton Studio

That pesky creative niggle is a good thing and it's not going away!


Do you romanticise about getting arty and creative but lack the follow through?

This used to be me. I used to admire pretty things that others had created and pondered what it would be like to give something like that a go, but that is where it stopped. I used to get urges to create things with my hands but would talk myself out of starting. Not enough time, other priorities, lack the skills, too much mess to tidy up etc etc.. it went on and on.

Fast forward a number of years, and I paint full-time as an artist, building my very own creative business. I'm not all the way to where I want to go yet, but here are seven mind-blowing things I have learnt along the way so far.

1. That pesky creative niggle is there to for your own good and to help you grow. Inner creative nudges and distractions are there to encourage you to get started so that you can have a richer life. You may have been conditioned to believe that creative projects are indulgent or, more bluntly, a complete waste of time. This is just not true.  We were lied to.

2. That creative whisper is not going away if you ignore it. It will just keep pestering you forever until it becomes so unbearable that you can no longer ignore it, or it turns you bitter and sour. Best to get started then!

3. You are not born with a limited amount of artistic talent and ability. Like everything else in life, the more you practice, the better you will get, and that is just a fact.

4. Anyone can learn to paint or draw anything they want. If your heart's in it and you invest the time, you will find your way. 80% of my artistic improvement has been due to surrendering to the possibilities. Letting go of limiting beliefs and nurturing a growth mindset. That just leaves 20% for skill development and improvement. A shocking conclusion for someone raised to believe that you've either got it or you aint!

5. Prioritising your creativity will benefit your well-being and quality of life. Life is to be enjoyed. What could be more enjoyable than surrendering yourself to a playful exploration of creative projects? Just like you did when you were a child. I promise you creative play is not just reserved for the very young.

6. You will enjoy spending more time alone to focus on your creative projects. You will have less time for boredom, restlessness and small talk. You will preserve your energy only for worthy causes. You will savour pockets of alone time to expand your creative journey and get stuck into your next project.

7. Your relationship with yourself will improve, and you will trust your own instincts and judgement more. Letting go of all the reasons why it's not going to work out and trusting your hands and heart to fill in the blanks is a beautiful way to love yourself and build confidence in your own compass and abilities.


This is an example of where I started and how I have grown. A pretty amazing transformation, huh! Remember, this is 80% mindset shift and 20% skill development and improvement!



There is so much magic waiting for you within yourself if you unleash and trust your creativity.

I think this is so exciting. Do you agree? Let me know by adding a comment below or emailing me at

Take care, Sam x


Sam Horton is a professional artist, specialising in creating vibrant, original acrylic art. featuring feminine beauty, florals and nature.
Sam's art studio and studio shop are based in Australia on the Sunshine Coast.
Receive weekly updates and insights, direct from Sam, on connecting heart and home through art, styling and creativity via her art & studio email newsletter
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