Why giving yourself permission to explore your creativity is a powerful act of self love

Why giving yourself permission to explore your creativity is a powerful act of self love


I have written a few posts about how creativity improves well-being. I stand by this as a simple truth, and today I would like to take it one step further and dig a little deeper into why you should give yourself permission to explore and play creatively as a powerful act of self-love and what excuses we tell ourselves that hold us back from embracing our creative side.

The big mind-blowing clue here is that only you can give yourself permission to expand and explore your creative self. And it is in giving yourself this permission that is a pure and courageous act of self-love.

So first, what do I mean by self-love? Self-love, as defined by the Brain & Behaviour Research Foundation, is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Granted, it's a buzzword and gets thrown around often. But I'm just talking about looking after yourself and adding value to your life simply and humbly.

Go ahead and get a massage or a facial or take yourself on a weekend retreat. Of course. But don't discount the power of taking creative actions as a beautiful form of self-love. Here are a few reasons why my own creative practice is such a personal and powerful form of self-love;

  • Creative projects allow you to embrace your independence as you spend time alone without fear of loneliness, Your project will keep you company, and the time will be nourishing and fly by.

  • Creative exploration helps you to get to know yourself on a deeper level as you follow your unique curiosities, which ultimately guide you on your creative journey.

  • The creative journey helps you to tune into an inner knowing and to build trust with yourself as you tackle creative decisions.

  • Creative play is fun and energizing, as you make a mess and try new things just for yourself, with no obligation to share with others or to create a masterpiece. You can play and throw it away if that suits the mood! There are no rules.

  • Tackling a creative project can give you a sense of achievement as you learn and develop skills and approach projects with greater ease, or maybe you gain something tangible at the end of the process. Even if you don't love the finished project, it will become a benchmark to grow from for future projects. You will definitely love some more than others!

So if all this is true, why do we stop ourselves from exploring and embracing our creativity?

Well, we struggle to honour self-love practices and make up excuses. I have created a list below of common excuses I have found myself making and a truth check to challenge these thoughts.

 Excuse Thoughts Truth Check
I don't have enough time  We make time for things we value
I don't know where to start Know one does. Just start! Take a class. Buy a book with inspiring creative projects. Choose something.
Exploring & playing is for children Who says?
Creative play is self indulgent So what? Treat yourself.
I don't have a dedicated space No one does when they start. Just use the kitchen table and take if from there.
I'm not a naturally creative person Rubbish, everyone learns creative skills, regardless of natural talent. The more you practice the better you get. Fact.
I don't have the right tools and supplies You don't need fancy materials to get started. Use what you have already. Recycle odd bits and pieces, use cardboard, magazines, childrens crayons, simple lead pencils or sharpies. Whatever inspires you. You can add more later as you find your way.


What are you waiting for? When was the last time you gave yourself permission to play and explore creatively?  Please share it with me by commenting below or emailing me at hello@samhortonstudio.com

I hope this article got you thinking about how you can incorporate creativity into your own self care wish lists and routines. For me honouring my creativity is just about the most nourishing and fulfilling act of self love.

Take care, Sam x


Sam Horton is a professional artist, specialising in creating vibrant, original acrylic art. featuring feminine beauty, florals and nature.
Sam's art studio and studio shop are based in Australia on the Sunshine Coast.
Receive weekly updates and insights, direct from Sam, on connecting heart and home through art, styling and creativity via her art & studio email newsletter
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